Pranicura 5

• Finally Feel Normal Again!
• #1 Pruritus Ani (Anal Itch) Treatment
• Best Non-Surgical Fissure Remedy
• Hemorrhoids gone forever

(2178 reviews) Write a Review
Take The Pranicura Challenge! Less than 1% of sufferers who follow the Pranicura treatment ever want a refund. It is that good. We challenge you to follow the easy protocol for the recommended amount of time (depending on your condition.) If you are not satisfied at any time from day 1 up to 6 months from the date of purchase just email us ( with your order number and your purchase price will be refunded. (Shipping charges are nonrefundable). NO NEED TO RETURN PRODUCT. Keep it as our gift. (Future orders will be denied after a refund.) Pranicura is not available in stores, Amazon, or anywhere else. Pranicura is an FDA approved medicine via the established FDA monograph for OTC anorectal ointments, CFR Title 21, Chapter 21, Subchapter D, Part 346.
Order by phone (24/7), Call: 763-250-1709 or Toll Free: 1-877-747-3499
fda approved ingredients
money back

Product Description

Pranicura Advanced Formula Treatment:

Price: $49.99 USD per jar. Each jar typically lasts 6-12 months depending on severity of symptoms.  Use a pea-sized amount or less with each application. Shelf life is 2+ years.

(Click the tab at the top of your screen for a full list of all Pranicura Ingredients.  "Pranicura" is a registered trademark and is a patent-pending formulation with four active ingredients.)

Easy Refund If Unsatisfied for Any Reason:  

Less than 2% of users ever want a refund. However, if you are unhappy for any reason, we will refund the Pranicura product price with a simple email and NO need to return unused product! Send an email to us at within 6 months of purchase date and ask for a refund. (Shipping costs are non-refundable) Refund good for one item only.

Shipping Information:

US orders are shipped by US Postal service and international orders are shipped via UPS International Mail Innovations.  UPS gets the package to your postal service and your postal service makes final delivery to your home. We ship all orders from Minneapolis, MN, USA.  



All Pranicura Reviews
(2178 reviews)
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  • Yes. Read my story!

    Posted by Sarah *Pranicura results will vary* on 26th Aug 2020

    I bought this product about 4 years ago and had really bad anal itching. I would scratch and scratch and the itch would never be satisfied. I tried cutting out all sorts of foods including going sugar, dairy and gluten free for 7 months. De wormed myself because I thought maybe I had worms. Also went to the doctor to see if I had any anal fissures or hemorrhoids. The doctor was stumped and could not think what it could be. Eventually it became too much so I turned to the internet. Stumbled upon this product and begged my mum to buy it for me. She agreed though we both initially were skeptical as we had not heard of it through the doctor and we had to order it to NZ from USA. Nonetheless it arrived and changed my life completely. After using probably 3 or 4 times I cleared up my “itch scratch” cycle and just like that I had no more itchy anus. Occasionally maybe once every 4-6 months I will experience an itch.
    However with this ointment a little goes a long way... I simply apply once and I am fine again for another 6 months. Four years on and I decided I would come on here and write a review as I remember trawling their reviews trying to decide whether this would be a worthwhile purchase. And my advice to you would be absolutely do if. You will not regret it.

  • The best of everything I've tried

    Posted by Alex *Pranicura results will vary* on 25th Aug 2020

    I tried EVERYTHING to heal my two chronic fissures - every OTC medication/cream, prescriptions from the GI specialist and my GP, and every naturopathic ointment and salve - surgery was next. Within 7 days of Pranicura my 1+year chronic bleeding was gone with 2-3 applications per day. I am still have some pain and spasms 6 weeks later, but the itch, burning, and fear of going to the bathroom has finally subsided with NO blood - so relieved. Ordering a second jar to have on hand just in case!

  • Fissure for 2 years now gone!!

    Posted by Avery *Pranicura results will vary* on 24th Aug 2020

    I just wanted to say THANK YOU for your amazing product!!! I had a fissure for over 2 years and tried everything. All kinds of products, 3 doctors and nothing worked. My next step was surgery and then I found Pranicura. After 4 weeks of moderate use (2-3 times a day) my fissure is gone!!! I have NO PAIN!!!! I am so thankful for this product and I hope that others find it to help them. Feel free to use this review. Thank you!!!

  • The Best Product

    Posted by C.J. *Pranicura results will vary* on 21st Aug 2020

    I tried what the doctor prescribed and it only would work for about an hour then back to the itching and burning. Soon as I tried this product I was able to get relief instantly for the entire night. If you follow the instructions it will work!

  • Did not work for anal fissure

    Posted by Jennifer *Pranicura reviews will vary* on 21st Aug 2020

    This product was a waste of money as far as I was concerned and will be checking out their money back refund shortly.
    Absolutely no use for anal fissures and following the directions perfectly found no relief at all.
    My honest opinion.

  • Finally!

    Posted by Ryan *Pranicura results will vary* on 20th Aug 2020

    This stuff is magic!


    Posted by n/a *Pranicura results will vary* on 19th Aug 2020

    So miserable with this condition. Pranicura is the best and only relief I have ever gotten. Thank you!

  • Works better than anything the Dr. gave me!!!

    Posted by Jennifer *Pranicura results will vary* on 17th Aug 2020

    This product finally gave me relief after trying so many others. i am totally healed from a anal fissure of so much suffering. It truly is amazing!

  • A dream healer

    Posted by Samia *Pranicura results will vary* on 16th Aug 2020

    I was desperate thought I would never be able to heal from hemorrhoids and fissure but this is just like dream it is really a magic thank you so much